Why the father gave the best robe to his prodigal son (LUKE 15:2).

  1. The gift of the Best Robe was evidence of the father’s love and reinstatement.
  2. The Best Robe was given at no cost to the wayward son.
  3. The Best Robe is a gift and could not be exchanged or transferred for another.
  4. The Best Robe was now personal and private property. The elder son could not take it nor Satan steal it.
  5. It is the Best Robe because it never goes out of fashion.
  6. It is the Best Robe because it fits perfectly all who wear it for it is Designer made!
  7. It is gladly made available to all who return to the Father with a repentant heart.
  8. The wearer of the Best Robe will be readily recognised when the Lord Jesus returns to claim His own.
  9. We are called to be well dressed in the Best Robe of Christ’s Righteousness – pure and white – watching, working and waiting while witnessing.

[box] “What manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us…” 1 John 3:1–3[/box]

Thank Sri :)Thank Sri 🙂

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