Thankfulness Challenge: Day 1

Most of us are quick to make it known when things aren’t going our way but it’s not often that we make a conscious effort to be thankful for all that we have and enjoy daily, the things that most of us take for granted.

I don’t know who started the “Thankfulness Challenge” but I am glad that it’s here. Basically, share three (I have seen variations) things you are grateful for, each day of the week and every day, challenge three others (different each day) to do the same. The idea is that if each person were to do this to their family and friends, eventually, at least for the duration of the challenge, those participating would be making a conscious choice to be thankful/grateful. Not bad.

I don’t know about you but I know that it takes effort for me to express thanks and gratitude, that those things don’t come naturally to me. I doubt you are any different.

So go on, express your gratitude and challenge family and friends to do the same.

Here I go.

[box] I am thankful for Jesus.[/box]

Not only am I thankful that I am right with God because of Jesus, He is with me every moment, helping me to live life the way it’s meant to be lived. Without Jesus, nothing else really matters. Because of Jesus, God the Holy Spirit imparts on me the wisdom I need and continually teaches me how to love others, especially my wife, son, family and friends and everyone else in my life.

[box] I am thankful for my wife Amanda and my son Judah.[/box]

I’m not going to lie and say that every moment with them is like heaven. I have my struggles and challenges with them but I couldn’t imagine my life without them. They are not my life but they are an integral part of it. They are to me, a gift from God, an expression of his love for me and His mercy towards me.

[box] I am thankful to be in Australia.[/box]

I am neither making the big bucks nor living the high life here in Australia but I am very fortunate and blessed to be in this country and all that it has to offer to my family and I. I can only pray that God will bless this country with Himself and work in the hearts of all the people that call Australia home.

Thank Sri :)Thank Sri 🙂

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